Oh hey! You found me on the Internet… probably again. Chances are you’re here because you either know me from my work at The Washington Post (where I wrote until 2017) or from TikTok. Or maybe you’re an old friend who Googled me after some random memory, in which case here’s the info you might care about: I’m married, live in D.C., have two kids and a cat.

But back to that thing about TikTok because that’s a weird one. Blame the pandemic when we all made questionable decisions, right? In my case, I turned to social media in an attempt to connect with other overtired parents by making stupid parenting raps. Turns out, it worked: More than 550,000 people followed my account @cromulentparent.

This neutron-stardom on social media eventually inspired me to start writing and illustrating rhyming children’s books, a medium in which I finally found a way to combine my loves of Lil Wayne and Lichtenstein. Not quite how I imagined my career going when I graduated college, but *shrug*…

Speaking of college, I hold a B.A. in Russian Language and Literature from Grinnell College and an M.A. in International Relations and Journalism from Boston University. I’ve also appeared on MSNBC, CBS, NPR, Sky News and more. And because it just seems like I’m bragging now, I might as well tell you I have more than two decades of writing and editing experience, covering everything from foreign policy to pop culture. I’ve also done marketing and copywriting work, and was even once deemed a “D.C. tastemaker” before I became old and boring.

If you have additional questions, or maybe you know of a cool cat meme, feel free to get in touch via email, or find me on Twitter (X), Facebook or, obviously, TikTok.